Fate Lashed is out today!

I’ve got so much to do yet, so I’ll be quick with this one. Fate Lashed is out today in ebook and print!

This cover still makes me so happy.

This is the next book in the Ethereal Earth series after Hero Forged, and I should warn you right away that it has a bit of a different feel. This is going to be a long series if I have my way, so I want each book to be a little different from the last to keep things fun. This is where that starts. While we began in Hero Forged with introductions and hints and laying out the map, Fate Lashed is like hitting the gas to get on the open road. It’s more action/adventure this time, and the next book will be different too. Maybe an intricate mystery? Maybe a deeper dive into horror with all that snark to keep it fun? Or maybe we’ll go really crazy and do a prim Victorian Romance… Who am I kidding? There’s no way I’d get Heather into a corset.

And as for the audiobook…it’s soooo close! Everything is recorded, and it’s about 75% edited as of today. And as soon as I’m done writing this, I’m going back to it. My hope is that I’ll be back here in less than three weeks to give you that beautiful Audible link. Audio is my favorite though, so I have to make sure it’s as close to perfect as I can make it!

As always, thank you so much for reading and listening! I absolutely couldn’t do this without you.


10 Comments on “Fate Lashed is out today!

    • Ha! There are actually a few intricate dirty jokes in this one. But only of the finest caliber, mind you.


  1. I’m waiting on audio book but have already read it on unlimited missing the voices for audio though lol DBZ tho really? LoL


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