Progress Rapport

That title isn’t a typo. It’s clever…trust me.

“No, no. When you have to explain your jokes they’re not clever anymore. We’ve talked about this, Josh.”

This post is about how book 3 is coming along (spoiler: great!) and also some ideas I’ve been mulling to keep you folks up to date in fun and useful ways. A very cool lady at Facebook told me I should be updating my blog more often to build better communication with you awesome people, and…yeah, she’s totally right. I live so much in my own head that sometimes I forget to actually interact with reality. So here I am! In reality! …Virtually.

First, book 3 is so much fun right now. I wish I could tell you more but I don’t want to spoil any of the coolness. I will say that it’s shaping up to be a bit of a marriage between the styles of Hero Forged and Fate Lashed, and I really like it so far. The story is going exactly where I’d hoped, while also doing things I honestly never expected along the way. The whole thing goes in for various rounds of editing starting in October, so I’m still shooting for this Winter to release it in all formats. But some of the voices, you guys…I’m so excited to start recording this thing!

I’ll also say that I still have that short story coming soon. It went slightly over my goal of 5,000 words, (11,000…oops) and the events happen right near the end of Fate Lashed. James is the main man in this one, and I’m hoping to get some time to record it when elementary school starts back up in a week and my house gets quiet enough for it again. 🙂 There’s also another short(er) story on the way, but that’ll get finished and polished when book 3 goes in for edits. If you’re signed up for my newsletter or you clicked on the button to follow this blog you’ll get those stories, including audio, for free.

“Ooooooh! Something from Josh! I wonder what informative delights he has for me this month? Good thing I’m amazing and decided to follow his silly blog!”

And now the rapport part. See? It came around.

I’m trying to figure out the best way to keep everyone informed without bugging people too much…and while still maintaining a decent flow of information for folks who like that sort of thing. So I’m considering options like recording audio versions and even possibly doing videos. Though for the latter, I suppose I’ll have to shave and be presentable and not be constantly eating pie with my bare hands. I guess.

Is there anyone on earth that actually wants to see a video from me or hear me ramble without a script? Drop a comment below if you have any opinions (or good pie recipes) and I’ll try to work up a couple trial runs for the different formats in the next few weeks. And, as always, thanks for being cool!

8 Comments on “Progress Rapport

  1. Thanks for the update Josh! I’m off to medical school tomorrow but I will definitely carve out some time to watch a vlog or listen to an audio snippet if you decided to do one. I could definitely see and audio snippet addition to your monthly blog or updates being a nice addition. Depending on how much traction it gets maybe a YouTube live event where people could chat with you would be cool. I’m excited for book three either way!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awesome. Thanks, Clinton! Also, good luck starting med school! I once thought I wanted to be a doctor, but it turned out not to be a good fit when I discovered my primary talent is making stuff up, “Ah yes, a classic case of…bifractoidal metacornopuli…tosis. Take 2 ibuprofen and I’ll be looking forward to your lawsuit.” 🙂


  2. Absolutely! Any content from you would be awesome, as long as it doesn’t interfere with progress on the next book. I cannot wait to hear what you’ve come up with as far as voices go, and I’ll say it again, I am incredibly impressed with how well you’ve narrated these books. Keep up the good work, thnx.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I appreciate that! And the time issue was my fear too. But my goal is to have these be pretty informal things, so hopefully they won’t cramp my writing time too much. Just a quick update, we all have a good laugh at how awkward I am on video, then back to book-making. 🙂


  3. Hi Josh I think a video blog would be cool 😎. Of course we have heard your many voices and it would be interesting to see you as well. You could go crazy and do some cool costumes along the way 🤪 I have throughly enjoyed the first two books and I’m excited for book 3. I was listening to the end of book two in the car with my son and his friend and I told them you were doing all the voices and they thought that was pretty cool 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, thanks! I really want to make some time for a video in the next week or so. I keep finding excuses not to. 🙂 I just sent out book 3 for some early opinions a few days ago, so it’s coming down to the finish line. All that’ll be left is to record the audio then, which is one of my favorite parts! And thanks for sharing with your son and his buddy!


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